Request for nominations

The Executive Board of IASSAR solicits nominations of candidates to receive IASSAR Awards at the upcoming ICOSSAR 2017 conference, to be held in Vienna, Austria, 6-10 August 2017. There will be three types of awards conferred during ICOSSAR 2017:

  1. The IASSAR Distinguished Service Award (this is a new award, approved by the IASSAR Board in 2013, to be conferred on one IASSAR member who has provided long and sustained service to IASSAR).
  2. The IASSAR Distinguished Research Award (to be conferred on up to two distinguished senior researchers).
  3. The IASSAR Early Achievement Research Award (to be conferred on up to four junior researchers still at early stages of their careers and generally below 40 years of age).

Awards Committee:
All nominations will be reviewed by the IASSAR Awards Committee, consisting of the following seven members:

  • D.M. Frangopol, Lehigh University, USA (Chair)
  • M. Chryssanthopoulos, University of Surrey, UK
  • G. Deodatis, Columbia University, USA
  • B. Ellingwood, Colorado State University, USA
  • L. Esteva, National University of Mexico, Mexico
  • H. Furuta, Kansai University, Japan
  • J. Li, Tongji University, China

Award Nomination Rules:
An award nomination shall consist of a nomination letter (limited to two pages in length) and up to two letters of endorsement (limited each to two pages in length). Curriculum vitae or other documentation will not be considered. The entire nomination package should be submitted in a single PDF file to the Chair of the Awards Committee, Professor Dan Frangopol, by June 30, 2017, at dan.frangopol(at)lehigh.edu.

For the IASSAR Early Achievement Research Award, the nominee's doctoral advisor is not eligible to either nominate or endorse the nomination. No one from the Executive Board of IASSAR is eligible for an award. No one from the Awards Committee is eligible for an award. Members of the Executive Board of IASSAR and members of the Awards Committee will refrain from writing letters of nomination or endorsing nominations of candidates for IASSAR awards.


6-10 August 2017
TU Wien
Vienna, Austria