Organized Sessions & Minisymposia

Organized sessions

(1 session @ 6 presentations)

  1. Surrogate models for uncertainty quantification, reliability and sensitivity analysis.

    Organized by Sudret/Bourinet/Mahadevan/Taflanidis (

  2. Infrastructure risk management and adaptation to changing climate conditions.

    Organized by Soliman/Frangopol (

  3. Reliability-based assessment/evaluation and decision-making procedures for the through-life management of existing concrete structures.

    Organized by Strauss/Caspeele/Matos (

  4. Recent advances in the development and application of meta-models for uncertainty quantification of complex dynamical systems.

    Organized by Jensen/Papadimitriou/Valdebenito (

  5. Advances in simulation-based uncertainty quantification and reliability assessment.

    Organized by Shields/Au/Mahadevan (

  6. Theory and application of random functions in stochastic mechanics.

    Organized by Bocchini/Shields/Miranda (

  7. Uncertainty quantification for complex structures in dynamic environments.

    Organized by Yurchenko/Beer/ Kougioumtzoglou/Chen/Li (

  8. Risk, safety and reliability in tunnels and underground structures.

    Organized by Spyridis/Bergmeister (

  9. Decision making under uncertainty.

    Organized by Papakonstantinou/Chatzi/Chatzis (

  10. Bayesian networks and decision graphs for engineering risk analysis.

    Organized by Straub/Tien/Gehl/Pozzi/Zwirglmaier (

  11. Risk-targeted design loads.

    Organized by Luco/Rezaeian/Silva/Bazzurro (

  12. Flood risk of hydraulic structures.

    Organized by Blöschl/Bucher/Viglione (

  13. The role of climate change on hurricanes, storm surges and coastal floods.

    Organized by Gardoni/Wang (

  14. Risk-informed and defense-in-depth-based safety management framework for critical facilities against external hazards.

    Organized by Takada/Ohtori/Kameda (


(2 sessions @ 6 presentations)

  1. Probabilistic and statistical methodologies for uncertainty quantification in computational sciences and engineering.

    Organized by Soize/Ghanem/Spanos/Arnst (

  2. Imprecise probability methods in civil engineering.

    Organized by Oberguggenberger/Beer/Patelli/Shields/Zhang (

  3. Stochastic engineering dynamics: recent advances & future challenges.

    Organized by Kougioumtzoglou/Pirrotta/Spanos/DiPaola (

  4. Design of complex systems and structures under uncertain conditions.

    Organized by Beck/Jensen/Beer/Valdebenito/Broggi (

  5. Uncertainty quantification and structural reliability for the offshore environment.

    Organized by Arwade/Myers/Andersen (

  6. Life-cycle reliability and risk of structural and infrastructure systems.

    Organized by Ghosn/Frangopol/Akiyama/Biondini/Duenas-Osorio (

  7. Global reliability of engineering structures and systems under disastrous dynamic actions.

    Organized by Chen/Li/Peng (

  8. Reliability of geotechnical structures.

    Organized by Phoon/Ching/Fenton (

  9. Enhancing urban resilience under natural hazards.

    Organized by Ellingwood/van de Lindt (

  10. Value of information in structural health monitoring.

    Organized by Thöns/Pozzi/Straub/Faber (


6-10 August 2017
TU Wien
Vienna, Austria